Six Foxes Fall To FoxPro

FOXPro game Calls

FoxPro Banshee
FoxPro Banshee

Foxpro are a well-respected American based company that produce a huge range of predator calls and decoys that are all made in the U.S.A. In fact their field staff are among the most experienced predator hunters in the world. Being an avid fox caller myself I recently had the opportunity to meet Australian distributor James from Ground Force International who tells me their dedication and innovation to the world of predator calling is second to none. While there are at least a dozen or more electronic models to choose from, the primary models to suit our Aussie application include the Deadbone, Inferno, Banshee, Fusion and Shockwave, each with its own features and specifications. For example their entry- level unit referred to as the Deadbone comes standard with a total of 15 high quality Foxpro sounds with the ability to play two sounds at once. While not all these calls will work on foxes there are several that will. These include the fox pup, jackrabbit (hare), cottontail (rabbit) and more.

If you want a bit more bang for your buck then the Foxpro Inferno which includes 75 Foxpro sounds and the ability to store up to 200 sounds or the Foxpro Banshee model which includes 100 sounds and the ability to hold up to 200 sounds is a sensible upgrade. Last but not least, Foxpro’s top-of-the-range Fusion and Shockwave models are the big-guns of fox calling that include 200 calls with the ability to store up to 1000 sounds. The scope with these two models has to be seen to be believed and is not limited to just predator calling but can be programmed for use when calling other game like deer I’d imagine as you can upload extra sounds to each. Add to this a host of features like mimicking moving prey by fading sound from one speaker to the next, mix and match any two sounds, Foxbang-which allows you to choose a secondary sound that plays after you shoot, such as a fox in distress call that will grab the attention of other foxes, activating Foxdata which records real-time barometer, temp, moon phase, stand duration and shot time and the list goes on. The world of predator calling has been taken to another level with Foxpro’s electronic game calls as the above is only an introduction to what they have to offer.

FoxPro Fusion
FoxPro Fusion

As most will agree, foxes tend to go off the whistle during mating season, I for one have proved this to myself on many occasions and these days tend to leave the predator calling till after mating is over in my area. When a dog-fox is barking

Six Foxes Fall To FoxPro
Six Foxes Fall To FoxPro

generally at night, they are looking for a mate and it’s almost impossible to lure any fox in from my experience. In fact I’ve had them in my sights and used the whistle to ensure my theory. I also believe their so called mating season differs from area to area. That’s why in some areas cubs are almost half grown while in others areas they are a lot younger and smaller. But what if you could change your tactics and lure foxes in during mating season with a mating dog-fox bark? Sounds plausible? Well at the time of writing I wasn’t able to test this theory first hand but will, using one of Foxpros barking fox calls when the time comes. I’m told these are a few of the offerings that Foxpro have include in some of their calls and can’t wait to test them first hand so I’ll keep you posted in perhaps a field trip when the time comes using some of these innovative electronic calls by Foxpro.
In the mean time if you’d like to find out more visit or to find an Australian dealer go to Trade enquiries contact the Australian distributors Ground Force International.




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Tony Pizzata

Tony's hunting career spans more than 50 years, from small game here in Australia through to big-game hunts around the globe. His first article was published in Sporting Shooter magazine almost 40 years, and he has worked full-time here as National Sales Manager and Field Editor for over 35 years. Tony's contribution to Sporting Shooter's solid foundations spans its printed history as well as its move to a digital future.