Having hunted the fallow bucks with a few calibres, I’ve been thinking about the most consistent one for varying shots and situations. The standout for me has been the .308 Winchester.
I cannot remember the last buck that required a second shot, all at distances that ranged from 75 yards out to around 250 yards.
If not a trophy animal, large-body cleft bucks that would weigh 80 kilos or more have been targeted for meat. Even though they have cleft antlers they’re still interesting, with some very nice skins, too.
The photos of the buck shot with Sellier & Bellot factory ammunition is an example of this type of buck and the other photos show the area he called his rutting grounds, with many rub trees and scrapes. The country made for an excellent stalk and a hunt that was both visually and aurally exciting as he grunted and chased off other bucks among the trees and gullies when they got too close to his does.
For me, the .308 in a bolt-action rifle with a 3-9×40 scope and Sellier & Bellot ammunition are a top combination for fallow bucks in the rut.