168.9kg boar wins Pig and Pussy Competition

Pig and Pussy Competition Winners- PhotoSpokz Photography, Noonamah Tavern

Amassive 168.9kg (148.3kg dressed) boar has taken out the annual Pig and Pussy Hunt hosted by Coolalinga Guns and Ammo.

The even organisers would like to see the event become the biggest in Australia next year by offering a huge pool of prizes. The event saw keen pig hunters from all over Australia.

NT News reported Jack Noble and his mates from Victoria couldn’t believe their luck when their little kelpie Murphy came across a gigantic 168.9kg boar on Friday.

The monstrous beast won the hunters first prize in the 2017 Pig and Pussy Hunt at the weigh in at the Noonamah Tavern on Saturday.

Jack said he and his mates Jack Gruszkowski, Neil Quanchi and Mick Gruszkowski were stoked to take home $12,000 in cash and prizes for their 148.3kg dressed boar.

“We’re still on a high from the weekend,” he said.

Not only did Mr Noble and his friends take out the biggest boar in the senior division, but young Jack Gruszkowski won the junior title with his 112kg dressed boar.

“It’s been great celebrating with a few drinks and reminiscing about our weekend together,” Mr Noble said.

The 2017 Pig and Pussy Hunt attracted about 500 people from all corners of the country with hopes of winning part of $30,000 in cash and prizes.

The final results and 2017 Pig & Pussy Hunt Winners

Parent/Child Biggest Pig – Matt & Chase Deveraux – 111.4kg

Biggest Boar 1st – Mick Gruzkowski – 148.2kg
Biggest Boar 2nd – Jamie Elder – 126.2kg
Biggest Boar 3rd- Wayne Deveraux – 120kg

Biggest pigs right to left – PhotoSpokz Photography

U16 Biggest Boar 1st – Jack Gruzkowski – 103.4kg
U16 Biggest Boar 2nd – Lane Nash – 92.2kg
U16 Biggest Boar 3rd – Cooper Thompson – 74.2kg

Biggest Sow – Tim Crimmins – 119.1kg

2nd Smallest Pig – Kiana Finlay – 44.7kg

Cleanest Pig – James Armstrong

Biggest Hooks – Wayne Deveraux – 42.8
Smallest Hooks – Darien Harm – 35.5

Biggest Toad – Nathan Moon – 565g
Most Toads – Thomas Fink – 70.2kg

Biggest Cat – Levi Higgins – 8.2kg
Most Cats – Levi Higgins – 11

Ugliest Dog – Rueben Poole

Best Ute – Adrian Kiwikiwi

It was a great day with a total of 55 Pigs entered plus 7 heads, 16 Cats and a lot of Cain Toads.

Sporting Shooter would like to thankSpokz Photography for his quality photographs of the event.

If you would like to stay upto date for the next competition –Noonamah Tavern & Rodeoand Coolalinga Guns and Ammo




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