TSA Outdoors is asking owners of Axor Arms Bushpig shotguns to check the serial numbers to see if their gun may need to have its bolt replaced.
A potential flaw in the hardening process of some bolts creates a risk of damage to the bolt.
The affected guns are all from the early productions runs, with serial numbers between 218-H24YT-000053 and 218-H24YT-001186. You can double-check yours at this link.
Any guns outside this range are not affected, according to TSA Outdoors.
The serial number is on the right side of the Bushpig’s receiver, above the trigger guard.
If your gun is affected, TSA Outdoors says you should stop using it immediately and have the bolt changed at no cost.
Swapping the bolts takes about five minutes and can be done by Axor dealers, although you can also send your gun directly to TSA Outdoors to have it upgraded and returned.
TSA says it’s likely that only some of the guns in that range may experience a problem but it wants to replace the bolts in all of them to ensure there is no chance of any experiencing an issue.
TSA Outdoors said in a statement: “We’re committed to quality and customer satisfaction, and there are no costs associated with this process. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us or your dealer.”