Raido broadcaster Kyle Sandilands will take the NSW Police Commissioner to a tribunal to fight the decision to not issue him a firearmspermit due tohis connections to a convicted drug trafficker and the radio host’s wild on-air antics.
Kyle who delcares he wants to shoot competitivelywants to take his passion for firearms to the next level by buying a pistol and a rifle – but has been blocked by police.
Kylealready owns a firearms licence for a handgun which permits him to operate guns under supervision at a pistol club in Sydney’s southwest.
Authorities claim they are concerned by the Sandiland’s friendship with convicted drug trafficker Simon Main, who spent four years in an Italian prison.
Police must determine if an individual applying for a gun permit is a ‘fit and proper’ person through a gruelling process including multiple background checks.
Applicants may be refused if they have a history of mental health problems, domestic violence charges, or are associated with any criminal intelligence.