He tells me he’s busy putting the next issue of the mag to bed…but Sporting Shooter editor Marcus O’Dean still keeps coming up with his favourite videos. I don’t know how he does it, but I’m glad he does! Grab a coffee or a beer and take a look. I’m sure you’ll find something you like.
Aussie pigs from a Rhino
This should get pig hunters’ blood pumping…non-stop pig action from way out west. The poor bloke ran out of ammo! Check it out.
Field dressing a duck, Aussie style
I’ve not tried this method of field dressing a duck, but I’m going to. It looks rugged but effective and if it helps hunters make better use of their game meat then I’m all for it.
Bullet performance
For best results in the field, hunters need an understanding of how bullets work once they strike the animal. Using ballistic gelatin, the experts from Federal in the USA have put together one of the most in-depth demonstrations you’ll ever see.
Giant bunnies with a giant airgun
Take a trip to South Africa for some extreme airgunning. Watch XOS rabbits getting bowled over by an XOS airgun…a Benjamin Rogue .357 air rifle to be precise.
Shooting Fails
Finally, from the “what not to do” files, comes this shooting version of Funniest Home Videos. I know we shouldn’t laugh at other people’s misfortune, but…