Pauline Hanson on returning from Afghanistan posted a youtube video detailing the experience of shooting rifles and handguns whilst completling a mandatory three-day training exercises on her visit.
Pauline was extremely proud of her shooting abilities showing her training target stating “He wouldn’t have survived that”.
“We had to target the throat area and that was my efforts,” Senator Hanson says in a video posted to social media, as she brandishes the paper target of a man used for her practice.
After pointing out bullet holes in the throat of the drawing, she observes: “And this one was to the head”.
“Yep – he wouldn’t have survived that.”
Senator Hanson was proud of her efforts, having hit the target with a rifle from 100 metres.
Pauline was nothiding from the fact she enjoyed the shooting and training. This is not the first time she has publiclly visited and shot at a range. She showed great support for our troops and normalised the use of guns to defend our flag and the flag of people that need our support.