Down Under Chapter Inc
The Australian Branch of the famous Safari Club International presents their 2015 Hunting Outdoor and Gun Show at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment Centre (TREC) this coming 21st and 22nd February.
Tickets are available at the TREC Box Office on the day. Children admitted free, but must be accomanied by a fee paying adult.
The exhibitor stands include:
- Camping and Outdoor equipment
- Firearms dealers and importers
- Knife makers
- Hunting optics
- Taxidermy
- 4WD equipment
- Art displays
- Hunting Consultants
- Hunting outfitters
- Hunting Clubs
- many others
Hunters, shooters and the general public are all welcome to attend. You’ll find the TREC off the main highway into town, immediately south of the Golden Guitar off Jack Smythe Drive.
The Sporting Shooter crew will be wandering around making a video and catching up with old friends, so why not come up and say “g’day” and have a chat.
If you’d like to find out more, contact the organisers on 02 6779 1434 during business hours.