Diamond shines at Parliamentary Friends of Shooting
This press release from Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie reports that another event is planned after the success of the inaugural Parliamentary Friends of Shooting event, which was attended by Australian shooters Michael Diamond and Laetisha Scanlan. It’s a great initiative from McKenzie and she deserves our support.
Wild dog bounty a succss in WA
From the ABC comes this report that WA Agriculture Minister Ken Baston says the trial of a wild dog bounty in that state has been a success. But hang on…the Victorian Government says wild dog bounties don’t work? Which is it?
WA Shooters and Fishers take aim at RSPCA
Sticking with WA and Shooters and Fishers Party MLC in that state, Rick Mazza, has called for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the operations of the RSPCA. According to this report from the ABC, Mazza claims there is a lack of transparency about where the RSPCA is spending tax payers’ money, which is a concern in light of the group’s transition towards becoming an animal rights group.
Port Kembla gunshop raided
From the Illawarra Mercury comes this report that 330 firearms have been siezed by Police in a raid on a Port Kembla gunshop. The owner has been charged with breaching the Firearms Act. The jungle drums are telling me there may be more to this story than meets the eye, so it will be interesing to know, for starters, whether there was any criminal intent involved or whether it was a simple adminstrative oversight.
Doug Giles replies to Ricky Gervais
To finish we have a response from Doug Giles (The Clash) to Ricky Gervais’ vilification of Rebecca Francis over her perfectly legal giraffe hunt. Whether or not giraffe hunting is your thing, these photos at least provides confirmation that every piece of a hunted giraffe is used, and that lots of locals are employed in the process.