Nearly 600 guns were stolen in NSW last year.

Snap Shots: Nearly 600 guns stolen in NSW

Guns stolen in NSW

First up we have a piece from the Daily Telegraph reporting that nearly 600 firearms were stolen in New South Wales last year and telling us where from.  This drew fire from Samantha Lee from Gun Control Australia, who claimed that these stolen guns were “on many occasions used for serious offences”. Nevermind that a 2012 Parliamentary Report into gun violence found that only 3% of stolen firearms were later used in crime. GCA twisting the facts? Shock me.

Zambia hunting re-opened

In good news for those who love the Dark Continent, the Zambian Government has seen sense and re-opened trophy hunting in that country after a 20-month ban. According to an article on the Wide Open Spaces website, the Zambian Government has recognised the key role that hunting plays in the conservation of wildlife populations.

African hunting under fire

Clearly not everyone gets it though, as shown by another mind-numbingly ignorant article about African hunting, this time by erotic fiction novellist Lee Tulloch, who has probably never even been to Africa let alone hunted there.  She concludes her ill-formed opinion piece in The Age by calling those that do hunt in Africa “pussies”. Classy!

WA hunting plans attacked

Meanwhile, in Western Australia, the RSPCA has denounced moves to open up National Parks in that state to recreational hunters, saying in an Upper House committee hearing that it would only cause unecessary suffering without reducing pest numbers. According to an article in The West Australian, hunters were dealt another blow when a representative from the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council also spoke against the proposal. Despite the fact that indigenous people are already allowed to hunt in some parks, the Council representative said that allowing recreational hunters into parks was “vastly” different. How? I’m not sure.

Farmer Assist program in Queensland

Finally, a positive story from the ABC to finish on. Hunters in Queensland are being called upon to help farmers in the Sunshine State. It’s a great example of how farmers and landowners can work together for common good.





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