The Smith & Wesson No. 2 revolver that Wild Bill Hickok was reportedly wearing when he was shot in the back in Deadwood, South Dakota in 1876.

Snap Shots

Wild Bill Hickok pistol to be auctioned

The pistol Wild Bill Hickok wore when he was shot dead in Deadwood, South Dakota will be put up for auction in November. San Francisco auction house Bonhams says it will sell the Smith & Wesson No. 2 revolver with six-inch barrel, rosewood grip and documents of legitimacy, and expects it will go for between $300,000 and $500,000. Legend has it that Hickok was playing poker in a Deadwood saloon when he was shot in the back by Jack McCall in 1876.

Sioux Falls calls on hunters to cull deer

Increasing car collisions with deer in Sioux Falls, SouthDakota, has prompted local Game Fish and Park officials to allow hunting incertain areas of the city. It’s the fourth year in a row hunters have beencalled to help with the problem that has seen an average of 86 collisions ayear in the city. This year 50 shooters instead of 70 chosen by lottery draw willbe given three weeks instead of two to hunt the deer. “The last threeyears we’ve had seven two-week sessions. This year we’re giving each hunterthat draws another week or giving them three weeks to hunt rather than twoweeks. On the other side of that is, that when you do that, you reduce theamount of people that have the opportunity. We’ll have about 50 people who havethe opportunity because three weeks we’ll have five three-week sessions ratherthan 70 in the past,” Game, Fish and Parks Regional Supervisor ArdenPetersen said. Sounds like a sensible solution to a pest problem to us.

Canada gun confiscation confusion

The Canadian Sporting Shooters Association has called intoquestion the motives of Royal Canadian Mounted Police who confiscated gunsduring devastating floods in High River, Alberta, in June. In a newsletter tomembers, the CSSA said, “there is widespread speculation that the RCMP removedguns from private homes after some High River residents complained vehementlythat they were being unfairly barricaded from their homes and belongings. Thequestion remains – did police use the firearms licence database to collect gunsfrom specific addresses because they feared a public backlash to theirroadblocks?” A report in the National Post says that some houses were searchednumerous times with 539 guns taken by police on the premise they were takingguns in plain view. However, at least one collection that was seized had been hiddenin a basement storage closet as the RCMP took a total of 539 weapons. Theowner, Greg Kvisle, said, “All it says is that next time this happens, I’m notleaving my home. I have to protect my home from police, now, as well aslooters.”

Orange shooter sentenced in September

The 18-year-old drug trafficker who was found guilty offirearms offences after shooting at a landowner near Orange, NSW, will besentenced in September. Mitchell Norman Bates was convicted of several offencesincluding drug charges at the Orange Local Court last week and will besentenced in September.




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