South Australian police have announced an amnesty on illegal firearms until 31 October.

Snap Shots

SA gun amnesty; gun controllers attack SSAA again; NIOA TV; Howard back on anti-gun bandwagon.

SA gun amnesty begins

Anyone with an unregistered or illegally held firearm in South Australia can hand it in to police during a three-month amnesty that begins today. “Any South Australian possessing an unregistered or illegal firearm is breaking the law,” Attorney-General John Rau said. “Penalties for possessing an unregistered or illegal firearm are very high – up to $50,000 or imprisonment for up to 10 years.” Police Commissioner Gary Burns encouraged everyone to think about firearms that they may not realise are a potential problem, such as inherited guns or old ones that are never used.

Gun Control continues ludicrous claims

The National Coalition for Gun Control has called on a “good Australians” to condemn the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia. Repeating the anti-democratic demands of NCGC member John Crook that Julia Gillard should not deal with the shooters when formulating shooting policy, a statement on the NCGC website claims the SSAA “has continually promoted gun law policies that would make Australian society similar to the private gun mayhem society called the USA”. It says the SSAA “has become an enormous danger to the future of our society” and labelled it a “ruthlessly selfish organisation”. Perhaps good Australians would be more horrified by NCGC’s outrageous distortions and advocacy of undemocratic governance.


Aussie firearm distributor NIOA has released the August edition of NIOA TV on its website. Along with some product info and the usual humour and piss-taking, they also look at the delays people are experiencing dealing with the Queensland Weapons Licensing department, and there’s good advice for shooters in every state. You’ll also get a first at the new NIOA facility that should be finished today. Er, weather permitting…

Little Johnny justifies gun ban

Former Prime Minister John Howard is blowing his gun-control trumpet – and his own – in today’s Sydney Morning Herald in an opinion piece on why he was right to change Australia’s gun laws after the Port Arthur massacre. It has been written in context of the recent mass shooting in Aurora, USA, and quotes selected statistics to back up his claims that the US must follow the same course as he set for Australia. We are not going to get into the debate over stats here and now, but if you want to have your say on Howard’s position, the story is inviting comments.

Ron Paul responds to Howard

US Republican congressman Ron Paul responded to Howard’s opinion piece, pointing to the comment about the Second Ammendment being irrelevant to modern US life. “Does the US still have a Federal Government?” Paul asked. “Then the Second Amendment is still relevant. In fact, as the government has grown to a monstrous size today, ignoring The Constitution and tyrannising over the citizenry in a way that would shock the Founders – I would say that the right of revolution is even more important than it ever was. By the way – thank you for poisoning the idea of Laissez Faire and limited government in Australia. You did nothing to reduce the size of government in your term and you gave hand outs and favours to cronies on a ridiculous scale. You are not a liberal. You are Statist, Welfare State, (NeoCon) Conservative.”

August photo comp opens

Our Ridgeline hunting photo competition for August is now open, and your best hunting pic could make you the winner of a beaut Ridgeline 45-litre Coffiin bag, a very handy thing. Check out the competition page for the details and get your entries in! The winner of our July Ridgeline photo competition was Jai Campbell. 




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.