Sambar deer hunting

Victoria proposes ban on lead ammo: Government survey open

Hunters in Victoria only have until 29 July to comment on proposed changes to the state’s Game Regulations that may ban lead-based ammunition for hunting.

The State’s current Game Regulations expire in September, so the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) has developed proposed new Game Regulations to come into effect immediately afterwards.

A proposal under the new regulations to phase out all lead shot for stubble quail hunting by September 2024 and all lead projectile use for deer hunting by 31 December 2027 has been met with alarm by many shooters, most of whom use lead-based projectiles in factory and reloaded ammunition due to is lower cost and more consistent availability.

While this will almost certainly make hunting more expensive for some shooters, there are non-lead projectiles and factory loads available for all the common deer hunting cartridges.

The ban on lead ammunition for all types of hunting, along with price increases and a potential reduction of some hunting areas, are getting the most attention, there are a number of positive changes in the proposed regulations, too.

Chief among these are moving the start of duck hunting season from a Saturday to a Wednesday, which is expected to reduce the numbers of protestors; the approval of two additional dog breeds for hound-based hunting; and allowing the use of hand-held thermal imaging equipment during daytime to hunt deer.

“The proposed Regulations have been developed in consultation with hunting groups, animal welfare and animal advocacy groups, firearm retailers, government agencies and a Traditional Owner Representative body,” the DJSIR says.

In a user-friendly approach to consultation, the DJSIR is also allowing people to make submissions either in the traditional written form or via an online survey with space to explain their reasons for their views.

The proposals in the draft Regulations, as outlined by the DJSIR, are:

  • Mitigate environmental impacts by phasing out toxic lead ammunition from all game hunting.
  • Improve safety by commencing duck open season on the third Wednesday of March each year rather than the third Saturday of March each year.
  • Commence the beginning of hunting in the first week of duck season (Wednesday to Sunday inclusive) from 8am each morning.
  • Update access to specified hunting areas for non-authorised people during the first week of duck season to 11am each morning.
  • Update licensing fees pursuant to a pricing review.
  • Remove some regulatory requirements on hunting hog deer.
  • Remove the requirement to sign a licence and remove the requirement to return a cancelled licence upon change of address.
  • Protect game-bird populations by prohibiting the use of acoustic electronic callers.
  • Improve safety by increasing the number of recognised deer habitats.
  • Empower the GMA to require a hound be presented for inspection.
  • Improve animal welfare by permitting deer hunters to use hand-held thermal cameras during daytime, permitting the use of deer decoys, allowing the use of artificial water points on private land for hog deer and including requirements to make reasonable efforts to immediately dispatch struck deer.
  • Prevent the hunting of blue-winged shoveler as the species is listed as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.
  • Update the list of approved dog breeds used in hunting activities.
  • Strengthen the regulatory framework for hunting by making administrative improvements and making technical changes to the existing regulations.

Shooters can make their submissions here, before 11:59pm Monday, 29 July 2024:




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Royce Wilson

Royce is something rare in Australia: A journalist who really likes guns. He has been interested in firearms as long as he can remember, and is particularly interested in military and police firearms from the 19th Century to the present. In addition to historical and collectible firearms, he is also a keen video gamer and has written for several major newspapers and websites on that subject.