Marcus and the team from Sporting Shooter have once again done the hard yards, sifting through YouTube clips to bring you the very best from the wonderful world of hunting and shooting. Again this week we have everything from the informative to the downright bizarre so grab a coffee or a beer and take a look.
A hunter gets pranked
We start off with an elaborate practical joke. Yep, sure that deer was shot by a blind hunter. I won’t say more or I’ll give it away, but it’s worth a look. It’s kind of Candid Camera for hunters.
Tahr hunting
Next we have another great clip from well known hunter Michael Gibson. If you’ve got the slightest inkling to hunt tahr in New Zealand then this should get the blood pumping.
Pigeon shooting
Have a look at this pigeon shooting clip from a bloke who claims to want to eatb as many different kinds of animal as possible. He’s gone to a lot of trouble to make this clip, that’s for sure.
Clever gun safety commercial
Here we have a clever TV commercial from the US reminding us to keep our firearms stored safely away from children. You might want to keep children away from this clip too.
Military bloopers
We finish with a bizarre compliation of military bloopers. Think F-Troop with real guns and RPGs. It’s a good laugh, but I hope these blokes are never defending Australia.