In the latest kick in the teeth to Australian hunters, the traditional support base for hunters and rural people generally, the National Party, has pulled back from supporting the formation of a Game Council for Victoria.
It seems clear that the interests and prejudices of urban Liberals take precedence over those of rural people and the Nats play a definite and embarrassing second fiddle. It just means hunters are short changed again.
More and more, traditional National Party constituents are realising that they are being left out in the cold and are gravitating towards The Shooters and Fishers Party in NSW, Bob Katter’s Australian Party in Queensland and the Country Alliance in Victoria.
They are organisations that the two major parties do not like because they are whittling away their power bases, so they will use every dirty trick in the book to undermine them. It therefore behoves hunters, shooters, fishermen and farmers to send a message to the Nats by supporting those who look after their interests.
The link below details the Nats backdown on a Victorian Game Council.
Marcus O’Dean