Miroku has a new sporting model in its line of over-under shotguns; the MK70 Sporting, can handle fur or feathers with ease.
Spending a full day duck shooting with a well-trained dog allows me to relax away from the word processor. The chance to mix business with pleasure field testing a shotgun rather than bench testing a rifle always makes a welcome change. On this occasion it was a new Miroku MK70, a field-grade over-under.
This Japanese-made double has, over the years, reached the pinnacle of all-around excellence previously ascribed to Browning shotguns. The quality of metallurgy, and close attention to overall fit and finish, has allowed Miroku guns to gain an enviable reputation for giving long service without succumbing to looseness. Furthermore, their locks and triggers are carefully fitted and adjusted for positive function. Miroku has been widely accepted by the shooting fraternity, but the company’s policy of manufacturing their over-unders without sacrificing quality has seen prices of its higher grade guns go up in price. So much so in fact that many a field shooter cannot afford to purchase an over-under for his smoothbore field gunning. Well, Miroku hasn’t forgotten the many gunners who covet the brand but want something a bit less fancy. These guys know that fancy frills and engraving don’t make a gun shoot any better and Miroku has added another member to their family of over-unders – the MK70 Sport Silver – just for them.