Q: I have a Remington Model 788 in .30-30 with a 4x scope on it which is limited in range with factory ammo. Can you suggest a reload that would generate higher velocity and flatten the trajectory enough to shoot goats and pigs out to 200 metres? I was thinking of using the 130gn Speer spitzer, but what powder and charge weight?
Howard Stanley
A: Using Speer’s 130gn spitzer and a compressed charge of 36gn of AR2208 you should get about 2500fps out of the 610mm barrel in your Model 788. If you sight in to be 50mm high at 100 metres, the bullet will zero at 150 metres, drop about 65mm at 200 and 240mm at 250. That means that with a 150m zero the bullet won’t deviate more than 65mm above or below line of sight out to 200 metres. And when that 130gn bullet arrives at the 200m mark, it still clocking over 1950fps and delivering over 1100 ft/lb of energy – a heavy enough punch to seriously discombobulate a goat or pig.