Alex with the billy goat he stalked and shot with his Weatherby .308.

Boars, Billys and Binoculars

When out hunting for billys a white coloured goat can be seen a long way off but those motley coloured billys blend into the countryside well, and when bedded under the canopy of a tree, could easily be missed without binoculars.

Also kangaroos that at first would not have been seen without binoculars would need to be avoided as a stalk can be ruined by the departing kangaroos that a smart old billy would recognise as danger approaching and disappear into heavier bush country.

The billy that I was to take was glassed from a long way out and I planned a stalk that would avoid other goats and kangaroos with the help of the binoculars and lamellar camouflage clothing.

I take the billy with a single well placed shot from my .308 Weatherby rifle firing 150 grain factory Sellior Bellot soft point ammunition.

The boar that I shot was located while glassing the hunting area with my Steiner 8×30 Wild Life Pros before first light. I followed his movements until it settled in a gully to feed and I stalked into easy shooting range then took him with one shot from the Weatherby.

Before that I took some nice live photos of the goats and pigs that were firstly located with the binoculars, which are always handy when out and about.

Some nice finds can be made while glassing likely looking areas such as distant hill faces getting the first rays of sun on a cold morning, gullies that are still filled with long shadows during the arrival of first light on the higher parts of the countryside.

Later in the day, areas that offer shade, water and good cover for ferals to bed in and see out the warmer parts of the day are good areas to glass.

For me good quality binoculars are a must have and a great way to spend some time glassing while out and about.




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