Sporting Shooter October issue is on the news stands now and it is a cracker read. Let’s see some highlights.

First up is the magnificent sambar cover, which points to the opening Ken Harding article telling how he and a mate downed three sambar within 24 hours in the same 100 metre square area adjacent to a road on Victorian public land. For thos of us who say public land hunting is no good, they should read this.

Next up is the amazing Jared Matthews recounting his story of a drawn-out chital hunt he conducted with a mate on a farm in Queensland’s rugged basalt country.

Next, Nick tests the little Rossi 8122 .22LR, which comes up trumps as reliable, surprisingly accurate and sized to fit adolescents as they learn to shoot and hunt. Handloaders chasing superior accuracy and consistency would also do well to read Nick’s Practical Reloading Column on varmint accuracy techniques.

New to Sporting Shooter is Neil Schultz an experienced and motivated cat hunter. His article is informative, revealing effective cat hunting strategies, while detailing the horrific statistics of cat predation of our native mammals and birds. Every shooter should read this.

To cap it off, we have our usual bunch of competitions where you could win anything from merchandise packs to rifles, so hop on down to your newsagent now, or better still, subscribe and never miss an issue.