To all of you out there who have always wanted to share your hunting adventures with the wider world of hunters young and old, but never knew how to start, we would love to hear from you and publish your work – and we will guide you through the process.
You don’t have to be a great big game hunter – everybody has to start somewhere – but if you can take a decent digital picture, we can help you with tips on expression, captioning and the few simple things that go to make a nice,
attactive and readable article for your fellow readers. Topics can be everything from shooting rats in a barn with an air rifle to all trophy animals in the South Pacific and internationally.
You can start be emailing the Editor (me) at and you can follow this link to an article that helps you through the process. It has been read by and recommended as an instructional text for American gun writers.
C’mon, start writing and you will have hard copy magazines with your stories that you can pass down to your descendants. I am looking forward to hearing from you.