Duck Hunting Alive and Well – Successful Opening

Duck Hunters had another successful opening for 2019 with hunters from Victoria and all over Australia sharing their success stories online as they filled their bags without being harassed by anti duck hunting activists.

Field and Game Australia reported on the opening that saw many protesters dodged this year by hunters choosing to hunt private land and alternate hunting locations to where the extremists were planning to be present.

In 2018 and again in 2019 we also observed very few hunters on wetlands where activists were present.

Hunters have made a clear choice to avoid the circus, frustrated by years of inaction by authorities to prevent these zealots from entering the water in contravention of regulations and interfering with hunters by standing in their shot zone, or amongst their decoys.

FGA witnessed the same activity on opening morning at Lake Cullen and again we saw nothing being done to deal with the activists. While activists are able to operate with impunity and without regard to public safety, why would hunters expose themselves to the risks involved?

Activisst will claim this is a win for the environment and ducks, but they won’t mention the economic loss to the township of Kerang,

A small family group that hunted at Lake Cullen spent $300 in Kerang on supplies for the weekend, while activists lined up at the wood fired pizza tent they brought with them.

Hunter numbers were also reportedly down on wetlands where the Game Management Authority was present. Again, this is in no way an indication of the health and popularity of duck hunting in Victoria. The GMA’s own data demonstrates over time that in severely restricted seasons the number of duck hunting permits purchased will dip; but it always recovers when conditions and season quotas return to full levels.

Victoria has a shortened nine week season, and a bag limit reduced by 50 per cent. It is understandable that some hunters will weigh up whether they will get value for money given the limited opportunity.

The duck hunting culture in Victoria is stronger than ever despite the constant attacks, harassment and vilification. Animal Justice MP Andy Meddick will announce details of his bill to ban duck hunting, a push driven by an ideology that includes eventually making all Victorians vegan.

Labor and the Liberal/Nationals Coalition have expressed support for ethical and sustainable hunting which is what Victoria’s duck hunters demonstrated on opening weekend. There is no reason to change.

Hunters are proud and actively sharing their stories from the weekend, of family, friendship, and fetching wild food for the camp. We are alive and kicking and to paraphrase Mark Twain “reports of our death are greatly exaggerated”.

Field and Game continue to fight for duck hunting in Victoria. To see more of there follow this link.

Be sure to sign the petition toBan Protesters from ALL Wetlands during the Victorian Duck Seasons.




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