Swino, the beer-stealing pig from the Pilbara, has come to untimely end after being struck by a vehicle on the road near the scene of his earlier crimes.

Feral beer pig on most wanted list

If ever there was a reason to target a feral pig, it’s becauseit nicked your beer. That’s what’s happened in the Pilbara where there arereports of a feral pig rummaging food stores and rubbish, but even moredisturbingly, crunching through nearly a whole slab of beer.

According to the ABC, the pig is at large near the DeGreyRiver rest area, which is east of Port Hedland, with a spokeswoman from WestAustralia’s Main Roads warning campers to keep their cans close.

Fionna Finley said that full garbage bags left by road clean-upcrews had been ransacked while people at the rest areas nearby reported moresinister activity.

“When they were talking to some of the road users that wereparked over for the night, I think they were camping actually, they said thepig stole their beers, drank them and then afterwards proceeded to tear apartthe bin liners,” she told the ABC.

“We just want to remind everyone when you do pull over,make sure [your food and alcohol] is securely stored because there are a lot ofanimals out there that are keen for a free feed.”

An eyewitness who was camping nearby said that thisparticular swine was after much more than a feed.

“It was in the middle of the night and it was thesepeople camping opposite us and they heard this crunching of the can and theygot their torch out and shone it on the pig and there he was scrunching away attheir cans,” camper Merida said.

“Then he went and raided their rubbish that they hadsort of covered over with a bin as well.

“And then there was some other people camped right onthe river and they saw him running around their vehicle being chased by a cow.

“It was going around and around and then it went intothe river and swam across to the middle of the river.

“The people that were camped on the river went acrossand crept up on it and it was hiding and sleeping under a big log right on theedge of the water.

“It was sort of coming from there for a couple of daysbut we didn’t see it this morning or last night.”

It was initially thought the pig stole just a six-pack, butMerida is certain it was a lot more.

“It wasn’t six cans, it was about 18 I believe itcrunched.”

Main Roads is trying to locate the animal.

“It was last seen near the river itself, under atree,” Ms Findley said. “I think it’s nursing its head today.

“Our guys aren’t equipped to contain or control thesewild animals, especially under the influence.

“The guys who attended the scene said they had a chatto the guys and they were more upset the pig stole their beer.”

Too right! And a bounty should be placed on this beer pig’shead.




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