In response to an embarrassing backdown over their ill-considered and poorly-redearched recreational fishing lockouts, the Shooters Fishers and Farmers (SFF) NSW Upper House MLCs Borsak and Brown pursued their advantage in parliament this week, by introducing a bill to implement a 10 Year Moratorium on any new recreational angling no-fish zones or Marine Parks.In a month that has marked many recreational fishers coming to support SFF on this issue, the critical mass they have exerted on has scared the flagging LIb-Nat coalition government, which is in serious danger of being tossed out at the coming March NSW Election. The now defunct Lockout and mismanagement through acceptance of poor advice and massively unpopular major infrastructure projects show a government going to hell in a handbasket, with the real probability of SFF gaining more lower house seats and the possibility of gaining the balance of power to push further legislative change in favour of ordinary citizens.
During the second reading of the bill in Parliament on 20th September the Greens MLC Justin Field rudely interjected to disrupt the reading several times and eventually was removed from the chamber. Below is a video showing the reading.