‘The image that best conveys the reality of the hunting, guns and killing culture in Australia’ is one of the categories in The Greens’ Animals in the Wild photo competition launched by David Shoebridge yesterday.
In announcing the competition, Shoebridge explained it was part of The Greens’s campaign against recreational hunting and the photographic hunting competition in Narooma’s HuntFest that will he held on the long weekend.
It’s not known how the photos will be displayed, but it can be imagined that they would be part of a display near the HuntFest site in another bigoted attack on the celebration of our hunting culture on the Far South Coast of NSW.
In a media release that appears on Shoebridge’s website, the Upper House MP says: “We are excited to announce the Animals in the Wild photographic competition will begin next week.
“The competition is part of our campaign against recreational hunting, and in particular the photographic hunting competition run by Narooma’s pro-gun and pro-killing HuntFest.
“Our competition encourages animal lovers and nature enthusiasts to get out into the wild and shoot native animals with a camera, and not with a gun. It is a chance to explore the natural beauty that Australia’s forests and nature reserves have to offer and the beautiful creatures that make these habitats their home”
The prize of a $100 voucher will be awarded to the best picture in each of the following categories:
a. The most beautiful image of an animal in the wild in Australia
b. The image that most evokes a connection with an animal in the wild in Australia
c. The image that conveys the threats facing native animals in Australia
d. The image that best conveys the reality of the hunting, guns and killing culture in Australia
HuntFest organiser Dan Field said he didn’t understand what Mr Shoebridge was concerned about.
“He’s clearly lost the plot because hunters aren’t allowed to target native animals,” he told Sporting Shooter. “But I wonder where they’ll get the photos to satisfy the last category. I imagine they’ll be stealing them from people’s websites and magazines so they’d want to make sure of the copyright.”
Meanwhile, a HuntFest protest meeting held in Narooma last Sunday attracted just 60 people.
“There are 28,000 people in this area so that’s a miniscule amount of people opposed to HuntFest,” Mr Field said.
“In fact, we’ll be three times bigger than last year with just two inside stalls available out of all the extra stalls we offered this year.
“The best thing that happened for us was these protests that have put the word out better than any publicity campaign we could have done, so I want to thank Mr Shoebridge and (Eurobodalla Shire Councillor) Gaby Harding for their help in making it a success.
“Perhaps Mr Shoebridge’s time would be better spent on worrying about water flows in the Murray/Darling and helping out farmers.”