If you live in Central West NSW and want to do some useful varminting, read this notice from the NSW Game Council. Sounds like you will be able to stock your freezer.
Marcus O’Dean
To Central West R-licenced hunters,
Game Council NSW is seeking suitable R-Licenced hunters to participate in 2 separate rabbit control programs on private properties near Orange. Please see the attached document for the program descriptions and information on how to apply to participate.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to give me a ring!
David Smith
Game Manager – Central Zone
GAME COUNCIL OF NSW | Conservation Hunting
Phone: (02) 6331 8257 direct |Mob. 0417 300 034 | Fax: (02) 6331 8734 |
LOCATION OFFICE: 9/112 Keppel St, PO Box 864, BATHURST, NSW, Australia 2795
Email: david.smith@gamecouncil.nsw.gov.au
Hit the Mullion Creek or Molong links to find out more or register.