It has been recommended that lever action shotguns with a magazine capacity of greater than 5 be moved to Category D.
The review of the Adler 7 shot lever action shotgun¬†is complete.¬†According to this statement released by NIOA, Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan has¬†advised¬†that the National Firearms Weapons and Policy Working Group (NFWPWG) has recommended to Police Ministers around Australia that lever action shotguns with a¬†magazine capacity greater than 5 – BE MOVED TO CAT D.
This is despite the NFWPWG and the Minister’s own technical experts highlighting that there was¬†no new technology present in the Adler¬†or any other lever action shotgun.
We also have this video from the Shooters and Fishers Party’s Robert Borsak in which he reveals leaked information indicating that all lever action firearms will be moved to Category B.
The Police Ministers are apparently meeting on November 5 to consider the recommendation. That gives shooters around a week to make gtheir voices heard.
What does this mean?
This places 7 shot lever action shotguns in the same category as highly restricted assault rifles. This policy is based on emotion and not substantiated by any technical or ballistic evidence.
Confiscation and no compensation
There is NO RECOMMENDATION for a buy back or COMPENSATION for individuals that lawfully own lever action shotguns with a magazine capacity greater than 5 shots. 
What can I do?
It’s time to step up and let¬†YOUR POLICE MINISTER AND PREMIER¬†know that¬†Australian shooters have had enough!¬†Licensed firearms owners should seek meetings with and¬†register their objection with every State Police Minister and Premier and their local State Member of Parliament. We have contact details for every state Police Minister below,¬†so get busy!
Meanwhile, you can download the Adler Fact Sheet HERE.