Agricultural Diversity and Viability are just two of the issues faced by landholders on the NSW Mid North Coast, as wild dog populations explode throughout the region.
The devastating impact of wild dogs lead to the formation of the United Wild Dog Alliance -Mid North Coast Inc. by Helen Tyrrell, following a wild dog attack on one of her own properties in February, 2016. Helen’s background has always involved rural properties having grown up in the NSW Liverpool Plains and worked on sheep and cattle stations in QLD and NSW, prior to working in the Commercial construction industry as a Project Manager. However, for all of this experience, a wild dog attack was not something ever witnessed by Helen nor her 86 year old father – with more than 70 years of experience
This attack led immediately to phone calls to the Federal Minister for Agriculture, who provided initial advice on undertaking and developing a regional system as described within the National Wild Dog Action Plan. Until this point, there was very little wild dog control as per the National Wild Dog Action Plan being undertaken within the region, and wild dog groups were basically unknown and unheard of.
After an enormous amount of research and development and planning, The United Wild Dog Alliance – Mid North Coast Inc was Formally founded and established in June 2016. With the primary objective being that the United Wild Dog Alliance Mid North Coast Inc. (The Alliance) develops wild dog landholder groups and where possible works with existing groups. Since June 2016, “The Alliance” has developed 14 groups on the Mid North Coast.
The Alliance represents wild dog groups, to ensure that all areas are able to develop long term control plans, and receive a commitment from government and other stakeholders to undertake proactive combination controls. “The Alliance” has developed and continues to develop relationships with Local Land Services, Invasive Animal CRC, DPI and other relevant organisations, including local shooting groups associated to SSAA to encourage Farmer Assist assistance. Wild dog control requires combination proactive control methods, baiting, trapping and where suitable and opportunity exists shooting, one single method will never solve this problem. The controls also need to be throughout different times of the year to ensure we can impact the population during whelping and pup seasons.
“The Alliance” is not for profit, where possible we raise funds and apply for suitable assistance grants to provide to the wild dog groups we represent, with control equipment – such as traps and cameras.
The impact of wild dogs within the Mid North Coast region is escalating, as at 31 st July 2016 more than 350 animals had been killed – both domestic and livestock, had been reported directly to ‚ÄúThe Alliance‚Äù, along with more reports of maulings, stalkings and sightings. The impact and cost of wild dogs throughout the Mid North Coast impacts well beyond the farm gate, viability of agricultural land, rural produce and lifestyle are now also increasingly affected, especially as wild dogs enter townships, such as Taree. In the past month we have received reports of livestock ‚Äúpets‚Äù killed by wild dogs within town boundaries and residents unable to walk from their car to their house as the wild dogs approach them.
The impact and costs associated with wild dogs is alarmingly high both financially and emotionally. We regularly meet with farmers and landholders who are in utter turmoil and distress as a result of the ongoing attacks. It is for this reason that we offer free membership and free use of equipment and experienced wild dog trappers and shooters., whilst also developing local groups. The Alliance is about assisting these local groups to get long term control plans in place, utelising what resources are available and representing wild dog landholder groups. Having groups throughout the Mid North Coast to ensure programs are ongoing, is vital to achieving The Alliances Goal “Non Presence” .