Fallow deer
Image courtesy Michael De'nour/EagleyeHG

Last chance to enter NSW hunting ballots

Time is running out for NSW R-licence holders to enter the ballot for access to two popular state forests during the peak hunting season.

Maragle South State Forest and Mannus State Forest will only be available for hunting by ballot winners between 1 March and 3 May as part of a NSW DPI program to ensure equitable access.

Ballot entries are open until this Sunday, 4 December, at 11:49pm AEDT and will be drawn on 9 December.

There are 51 total permits available in Maragle South (45 individual hunter permits, six youth permits), with 32 permits for hunting with firearms in Mannus State Forest (26 individual permits, six youth permits).

An additional 32 permits will be drawn for bowhunting in Mannus State Forest (26 individual permits, six youth permits).

Each written permission awarded via ballot is good for a particular four-day period.

Youth permits from the ballots will be valid for one of the periods of Friday, 17 March until Monday, 20 March; Thursday, 6 April to Sunday, 9 April; and Friday, 14 April to Monday, 17 April. As youth R-licence hunters must be accompanied by an adult R-licence hunter, youth permits under the ballot also include the accompanying adult hunter.

Outside the balloted hunting period — which roughly coincides with the fallow deer rut — Maragle South and Mannus state forests will be available for hunting bookings via the regular open booking system.

Full details, including ballot entry links, are available at the NSW DPI site.




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Royce Wilson

Royce is something rare in Australia: A journalist who really likes guns. He has been interested in firearms as long as he can remember, and is particularly interested in military and police firearms from the 19th Century to the present. In addition to historical and collectible firearms, he is also a keen video gamer and has written for several major newspapers and websites on that subject.