Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Tasmania has taken an unequivocal pro-gun, pro-shooting stance ahead of this month’s surprise State Election.
The SFF is Tasmania’s fourth-largest political party and is running 11 candidates across the state, with all its main candidates being keen shooters or firearms owners themselves.
The party has announced its official policies in more detail, and party secretary and Lyons candidate Phillip Bigg says its commitment to shooters and hunters was very real and a core part of the party’s values.
He said one of its top priorities was getting amendments made to the Firearms Act which would enshrine interstate recognition of gun licences for visitors coming to Tasmania to hunt or compete in competitions.
“Right now, that is allowed but only under a long-standing Commissioner’s exemption, the same as was the case with antique guns until a few weeks ago,” Mr Bigg said.
“We want to make sure licensed visitors from interstate and overseas have their ability to shoot here protected in the legislation itself.
“This is important as hunting brings in significant revenue to Tasmania and we want to make sure visitors can plan their hunting or competition target shooting trips here with confidence, and continue to contribute positively to Tasmania with their visits.”
Related to that, Bigg said if elected, the party would be introducing a “Right To Hunt” Bill into the state legislature, and seeking formal recognition from parliament for the conservational and economic benefits recreational hunters contribute to Tasmania — currently understood to be more than $88m.
“We also propose to introduce a reinvestment into shooting and hunting for Tasmania to grow that economic contribution, including bringing international shooting competitions to Tasmania,” he said.
“We also want to create regulations for donating game meat to community organisations and food banks to make it easier for those doing it tough, along with expanding public hunting zones.”
Bow hunting was also on the party’s list, too, with Phillip saying it was an ethical form of harvest with a multi-millennia-long history
“There is no reason archery hunting for wild deer should not also be considered as a method of harvest,” he said.
“Archers are accomplished, ethical hunters and as we all know bowhunting is a very effective method; peri-urban areas, for example, are ideal for this type of hunting and this method is used widely in the USA to control deer in these situations.”
Reverting final oversight of firearm matters back to the Police Minister rather than the Police Commissioner was also on the agenda, Phillip said, along with revising ‘association laws’ to prevent people from being punished due to the actions of family or people in their social circle which they aren’t actively supporting or endorsing.
He reiterated SFF also supported suppressors being made available for fullbore rifles for both recreational hunting and primary production purposes, and wanted the state’s laws on antique firearms properly sorted out, including an express ability to own and display antique firearms without a licence (albeit with police registration).
“The ‘Shooters’ part of our name isn’t just there for decoration — it’s something we genuinely care about and are prepared to fight for if elected,” Phillip said.
SFF’s Tasmanian election candidates who are also shooters include:
- Bass: Michal Frydrych
- Braddon: Dale Marshall
- Clark: Adrian Pickin
- Lyons: Carlo Di Falco (lead candidate) and Phillip Bigg
For more information on the 2024 Tasmanian House of Assembly Election, visit the Tasmanian Electoral Commission website.