Q: I know you rate the 7x64mm Brenneke highly for even the biggest deer species. In your opinion does this include elk and moose? Why don’t more companies make rifles chambered for this great calibre? I decided against buying a .30-06 in favour of the 7×64 because of less recoil and the availability of light bullets suited for goats and pigs. Do you think I made a mistake? What bullet would you recommend for boar hunting? We have some big buggers up here in the N.T.
Bob Wilson
A: The 7×64 despite its age, (introduced in 1917), is still one of the all-time great cartridges and has proved effective against wapiti, moose, bear and so forth. The tag “magnum” is being applied to almost everything these days in order to make it sound glamorous. This in no way detracts from the efficiency of the old 7×64 and the Europeans still chamber a lot of rifles for this cartridge which bears a close resemblance to the .280 Remington. You made a good choice as in many ways the 7X64 is as much gun as the .30-06 is. The question arises whether you need more gun or not because the fact remains that the 7×64 is capable of handling any game of the size you are enquiring about.