Q: I plan on buying a binocular for big game hunting, and I’m curious about which one you use. The one I need should be versatile enough for hunting in both wooded and open country.
Bruce Woodcock
A: I have yet to find a binocular that would be perfect for all hunting conditions. For many years I’ve used my Leica 10×42 with complete satisfaction in all manner of hunting situations. This is the magnification and high level of light transmission I prefer for open country hunting, and it is not heavy enough to require a harness; I carry on its strap hanging down the front of my shirt. It is ideal for mountain hunting and since I got it I’ve changed a good many of my pre-conceived ideas, particularly the one about how a low magnification glass like a 6×32 is better in wooded terrain. I’ve found 10x to be even better for distinguishing an animal through bush. I use this binocular when hunting deer, ferals and shooting varmints. Most of my mates prefer the 8×42, but I compared them with the 10×42 I plumped for the extra power.