Q: I’ve been told that Hodgdon’s LIL’GUN is a good powder in the .22 Hornet so I have bought three canisters of it. Can you suggest some load data for it with the 35gn V-Max, 40gn Speer, Barnes 45gn X-bullet, and 50gn Sierra? What can you tell me about LIL’GUN?
Rodney Hatfield

A: LIL’GUN is a ball powder which was developed primarily for .410 shotshells where it is ideal. It’s burning rate puts it in the category of W-296 and Alliant 2400. When it is used with a 45gn bullet in the .22 Hornet, it gives about 150fps more velocity than factory rounds at the same pressure and about 200fps more than other powders used for handloading again at the same pressure. It fills the Hornet case nicely with recommended charges. You can use the same 13gn charge of LIL’GUN behind the 35gn V-Max, the 40gn Speer, 45gn Barnes and 50gn Sierra, as well as the 55gn Hornady. Muzzle velocities taken in a 24-inch barrel are: 2842, 2826, 2780, 2715, and 2650 fps respectively.