Q: For a number of years not I’ve been contemplating having a .270 bolt-action custom rifle built. Could you advise me on what barrel to get? Also, on what action should I use? I’ve been offered an ex-military Steyr Mauser 98 for $500. How about a stock? Should I go for synthetic or laminate? Either would cost less and stand up to rough work in the field better than a walnut stock.
Ben Miller
A: There are a number of good barrels available, but I like Walther barrels which can be had in various lengths screwed and chambered for the .270 Win. For an action, the best bet is the Zastava M70. Of course, there are a number of different ex-
military actions kicking around, but when one of these actions is modernised to equal a commercial job it will cost a lot more and the metallurgy will be nowhere near as strong. What kind of stock you choose is up to you, but laminate stocks come in a variety of shapes and some look quite spectacular.