Q: I have a bolt-action rifle in .270 Winchester which was left to me by my deceased uncle. He purchased it new around 1956 and has the letters “FN” on the receiver ring. What can you tell me about my rifle?
Alan Cranton

A: Your rifle is a Browning Mauser made by the great Fabrique Nationale in Herstal, Belgium. The action is a commercial version of the German Model 98 that was used by Browning in building its centrefire rifles during the 1960s and 1970s. They were imported into Australia from the 1940s until the 1970s by Gollin & Co of Sydney (now defunct). They were some of the finest sporting rifles ever made. They were available in a variety of calibres including .220 Swift, .243 Win, .244 Rem., .250 Savage, .257 Roberts, .270 Win., 7x57mm, .30-06, .264 and 7mm Rem. Mag. Barreled actions and actions alone were also available in repeating and single-shot versions. I still have one that’s been rebarreled to .220 Wilson Arrow.