Q: I recently was gifted an Anschutz Model 1533 in .222 Remington with a Pecar 6x scope attached by my uncle who had in a cupboard for over 40 years. Evidently he had a change of heart and made me promise to make good use of it and look after it properly. It is a carbine with a full length Mannlicher stock that has miniscule white diamond-shaped inlays embedded on either side of the stock above the pistol grip and midway along the

forend. The stock is trim and slim with skip-line checkering and is capped at the muzzle with a black plastic schnabel tip. The bolt resembles that of an Anschutz Model 54 rimfire but is recessed to surround most of the cartridge head. The trigger is single-stage and lets off at a crisp 1.134kgs. I’d like to remove the stock to check the bedding, but cannot see the screws which hold the stock to the metalwork. Can you tell me how to find them? Also is this action strong enough to contain heavy reloads for the .222?
Bruce Burton
A: You’ve been given a very nice classic Mannlicher-stocked .222. I reviewed one back in the late 1970s. The little carbine is lightweight and its short overall length of 990mm and 6x Pecar scope make it a handy-dandy varmint outfit. The trigger guard must be removed for access to the action bedding screws and it takes a little work. First remove the single small screw that anchors the barrel to the full-length stock near the forend. Then remove the wood screw at the rear of the guard, pull back on the guard, and rotate it a quarter turn to reveal the slotted screw that beds the action to the wood. A similar bolt in front of the magazine must also be unscrewed and the magazine removed before the barreled action can be lifted out of the stock. This may sound complicated, but it really is quite easy. As to action strength: a single rear mounted lug locks into a channel milled into the receiver at the bolt handle turning juncture, and the root of the bolt handle serves as a second locking lug. I’ve seen a number of European rifles chambered for the .22 Hornet and .222 which use this type of enlarged rimfire action, and they all work just fine, but I recommend sticking with normal loads.