Recently made available for Aussie shooters is a Performance Test Pack from well know premium ammunition manufacturers RWS. The box contains five rounds each of four different projectile loads in each pack of 20 rounds. This gives hunters and shooters four different projectiles to group from their firearm to test accuracy and hence allowing them to pick precisely the right load to match their rifle.
Referred to as the RWS Performance Test Pack, it promises unparalleled precision and the opportunity to test four different loads without having to purchase multiple boxes of ammunition. The Test Pack is currently available with traditional and lead-free bullets in calibres .308 and 30-06, with more calibres on the way. In addition, each package details all the important information that hunters need, including the special properties of each bullet. This means that in addition to grouping, you receive tips concerning important selection criteria such as shock effect and take-down effect for heavy game.
To find out more ask at your local gun shop or visit