Published by McPherson’s Printing Group, Maryborough, Victoria. 264 pages plus photos. This is your last chance to get a copy of Nick’s book covering a wide variety of subjects which will benefit both the beginner and experienced hunter/rifleman. It contains expert advice on choosing rimfire, big game rifles, varmint rifles and scopes as well as binoculars and spotting scopes.
Other subjects include hunting techniques such as skinning and field dressing game, field care of trophies and tracking wounded game. The book also features practical tips about sighting in, triggers and trigger control, field shooting positions and how to hit running game. There are also chapters on cartridges, killing power, trajectory and ballistics and much, much, more. As there are only a limited number of copies available, get in early.
To order, simply send $19.95 which includes P & P to Nick Harvey, 3 Reef Street, Hill End, N.S.W. 2850.