Well Tony Pizzata has had a ball recently. He’s just returned from a trip to New Zealand on a great sika deer property where he and bunch of gun writers from Australia and across the ditch got to play with and test the excellent new Swarovski X5(i) long range riflescope.
In order to put this amazing optic through its paces, it was mounted on a custom rifle chambered in the – wait for it – “.338 Lunatic” wildcat chambering engaging unsuspecting gongs out to 1600 metres with monotonous reliability. Even long range neophytes, who like to stalk in as close as possible on game, found it simple to bang the gongs way out there.
In support roles Swarovski’s Hannes and Richard, brought along the new Swarovski EL HD rangefinder binoculars and the latest in Swarovski spotting scopes to assist with the long range work and hunting. “Did I hear you say hunting?” you ask.
Yep, the boys got to go out and deck some nice cull and trophy sika stags after the formal range proceedings occurred. Have a look at the excellent video Tony put together below.