The Sporting Shooter crew (left to right): Mick Matheson, Marcus O'Dean, Alex Juris, Clint Magro, Col Allison, Nick Harvey, Tony Pizzata

Come Safari Clubbing with Sporting Shooter!

Join Sporting Shooter and dozens of other hunting and shooting organisations next month at one of the best shows around, the Safari Club International expo.

The Down Under chapter of the SCI is putting on its annual Hunting, Outdoor and Gun Show on 16-17 February in Tamworth, NSW – and we’re reminded that Tamworth has the highest gun ownership in regional Australia, so you know you’ll feel welcome!

There’ll be plenty of firearms and accessories to check out, as well as hunting consultants, outfitters and clubs. On top of that, expect to find camping and outdoor equipment, taxidermists, 4WD equipment, art displays and much more.

The Game Council will also be there, conducting R-licence testing, and Australian Customs will be represented to answer any queries you may have.

And, of course, we’ll be there, so come and say g’day, grab a magazine and let us know what you think of the mag and this website. We won’t quite be able to muster everyone in the photo here, but you’ll find several of us to blame!

If you’re staying in Tamworth on the Saturday night, why not come to the gala dinner? You’ll have to be a member of SCI (signed up before 8 February) or a guest of a member.

The dinner will also be the scene of an auction for all sorts of hunting products and services, including some pretty amazing guided hunts.

Entry is only $10, and kids under 12 are free if accompanied by a paying adult.

The SCI expo is on at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment and Conference Centre, on Greg Norman Drive. For more info, see the SCI website.




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.