Hunters now have till 31 August to tell the NSW government what should be allowed on public land.

Hunting access: speak up now!

[Editor’s note, 3/8/12: We’ve been advised that the deadline has just been extended to 31 August, so if you haven’t done it already, you can still put together a submission in time to be heard. Assuming few submissions had been received, the one you put in will play a larger role than you may expect in the inquiry’s outcome. Don’t miss this opportunity!]

Shooters have just one week left to encourage the NSW government to provide better access to public land for hunters and embrace the principles of sustainable use.

A senate inquiry into the use of public land may hold the key to a very different approach to land management, in which conservation, sustainable use and recreation are allowed to co-exist, but the outcome relies heavily on the submissions received.

The committee, chaired by Shooters and Fishers Party MLC Robert Brown, has not received as many submissions as it would like.

Based on his experience over the years, Mr Brown says he expected to see many more submissions from “farmers, beekeepers, fishers, foresters, fossickers, off-road bikers and 4WDers, local government, the list goes on”.

“We want to hear your views, complaints, accolades, and most importantly, your suggestions on how public land management can be improved in NSW,” he said.

The views of hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts are vital to ensure the committee, which includes members of the Greens, Labor and Coalition parties, hears their views.

The inquiry is considering a range of issues, including:

  • The creation of national parks, along with their impacts on everything from the environment to local economies
  • Concerns for private property holders
  • Management of public, including “models that provide for conservation outcomes utilising the principles of sustainable use”.

“Your submissions don’t have to be complicated,” Mr Brown said. “Simply write to the committee and offer your ideas and suggestions. If you wish to appear at one of the Public Hearings, please make that request at the conclusion of your submission.”

Full details are available on the parliamentary website, including a link to submit by email.

Points to consider include:

  • Is your access to public land less than acceptable?
  • Are you a neighbour to a public land estate? Do you believe the public land managers are responsible neighbours?
  • Is your livelihood linked to public land?
  • Do you have a view on the efficiency and competence of public land managers in NSW?
  • Do you have any views on the overall organisation or coordination of public land management in NSW across the various agencies?




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.