The American is one of the new models that is putting Ruger on track for record sales.

Snap Shots

1 million Rugers; Ridgeline online; Nioa TV; Lamellar back bowhunters; waterfowl counts; have a go at clays; AHI job; toilet humour.

1 million Rugers and counting

Ruger has sold 1 million firearms since 1 January and is on track to set a new record for annual sales. It passed the figure on 15 August and is aiming to exceed the 1,114,700 firearms it pumped out during 2011. The millionth gun was an SR1911 handgun, which will be engraved and auctioned off to raise funds the US National Rifle Association. “Last year, Ruger became the first commercial firearms company to produce one million firearms in one year, and we were incredibly excited and proud to reach that milestone,” said Ruger President and CEO Mike Fifer. “We expect 2012 will be another record-breaking year for Ruger, and we want to thank our loyal customers for their continued support.”

Ridgeline online store

You can now shop online for Ridgeline clothing, including its range of hunting gear. The company has opened an online shop through its Australian website. The range is also available through many retail outlets, of course. It’s good gear, as we found when we recently reviewed a large selection of hunting clothes.

New NIOA TV ep

Firearm distributor NIOA has uploaded the latest instalment of its internet TV show. It features a demo on cleaning a rifle, organising the inside of your gun safe, Plano boxes and bags and plenty of clowning around. Well worth a look.

Lamellar backs bow hunters

Lamellar, the Aussie brand of hunting clothing and designer of the ContraCAM camourflage pattern, was a major sponsor of the recent New Zealand Bowhunters Society annual tournament in Paeroa, NZ. The weekend event pushed bowhunting skills in a series of simulated field situations. Awards also recognised some of the hunting achievements by members during the pasy year. Prizes included sets of Lamellar ContraCAM Fade camouflage EcoACTive Breeze shirts and ContraCAM camouflage Blitz jackets. Attendance at the tournament doubled from last year, indicating how quickly bow hunting is growing in NZ.

Waterfowl counts

Field and Game Australia is close to conducting its annual waterfowl counts, which will help establish the details for next year’s duck season. To help out in what FGA says is one of the most important counts ever, call them on (03) 5799 0960 or email

Have a go at clays

Nine Field and Game branches will host Come ‘n’ Try Days this year, where anyone who is keen to try clay target shooting can give it a go. South Gippsland branch will kick off proceedings this Sunday, 2 September. Contact David on 0409 686 206 for more information. Other Come ‘n’ Try days are detailed on the FGA website.

AHI job on offer

Australian Hunters International is looking for a new membership coordinator who can put in about 10-15 hours a month. It’s a paid position which AHI would prefer to give to a member, but it’s open to everyone. The position entails managing the membership database, sending out renewals and cards to existing and new members, liaison with members and follow up with registry and the executive. Experience with Excel is essential. Contact Sam Lynch on 0405 331 410 or

Toilet humour

A little toilet humour to finish off with, perhaps? We’re guessing this photo (click to expand) was taken in a gun club somewhere…




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.