Of course I keep a gun under my pillow. It's the only way to stop that damn alarm!

Snap Shots

SA duck season opener; Game Council boss on Hunting Podcast; no hunting on Sunday; Maltese hunting politics; die, alarm clock, die!

SA duck season opener

South Australia’s duck and quail seasons open this weekend. Duck season runs until 30 June, while quail hunting continues until 28 July. Daily bag limits of 12 ducks and 25 quail apply, and you’ll need permits. For more information, check out the Department of Environment website.

Game Council boss on Hunting Podcast 

The latest episode of the Australian Hunting Podcast features NSW Game Council boss Brian Boyle. As host Jason Selmes says, Brian is a highly experienced hunter and outdoorsman, as well as the man in charge of the management of hunting by around 18,000 licence holders on millions of hectares of public land. Brian talks about a range of topics from how you go about getting a game hunting licence to the upcoming start of hunting in NSW national parks. He’s also a dedicated bow hunter and has a few things to say about it.

No hunting on Sunday

Spare a thought for the many hunters in Canada who still can’t raise their rifles on Sundays. As in many US states, Ontario’s provinces generally continue a ban on hunting with firearms on Sundays, a law that dates back to stricter Christian times. Charlie Bois is leading a push to change it, urging his local council of Hamilton to overturn the ban. He argues that Sunday is often the only chance he and other hard-working Canadians get to hunt. “It’s really not going to cause any problems,” he told CBC. “It wouldn’t change anyone’s day-to-day life.” However, it looks likely he’ll fail because “councillors are afraid to ruffle any feathers”. Farmers apparently don’t want it and, as one councillor and farmer said, “If the farmers aren’t in support of it, that’s enough for me.”

Maltese hunting politics

The anti-hunting lobby is the same all over the world. As Malta approaches its next election, BirdLife is stirring the pot, saying hunters have hijacked the election and major parties are speaking the language of hunters. They’ve even produced flyers featuring a shotgun pointed at the heads of the top politicians. BirdLife makes a big deal of the fact that Malta has more legally hunted bird species than the UK, yet dismisses the fact the French can hunt more than the Maltese, and they seem appalled that Labour will not promise to impose wildlife protections greater than what is required under EU regulations. The wildlife group’s executive director claims “the Maltese people’s right to enjoy the countryside in safety” is at stake in this election. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Die, alarm clock, die!

Hate waking up? Does your alarm make you feel like throwing it across the room? The Lock N’ Load, pictured above, could be the alarm clock of your dreams and a perfect excuse to keep a gun under your pillow, because when the alarm rings you just grab the pistol and shoot the clock to shut it up. It shoots electronically, so won’t put a hole in your wall if you miss. The Lock N’ Load has two target-shooting games programmed into it and also allows you to record your own sounds. Looks fun, but at $280 it ain’t cheap and judging by the unhappy customer reviews it should be.




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.