Robert Brown (centre) has achieved life membership of the Australian Deer Association.

Snap Shots

Country Alliance appeals to Victoria’s voters; Abela’s gets the guns; taxidermy workshop; Haters stop hunt; Robert Brown’s life achievement; duck hunting stops Botany sale; can birds see pellets coming?

Country Alliance appeals to Victoria’s voters

Victorian shooters and hunters will have a political party on their side in the next state elections. Country Alliance is a pro-gun party with a platform based on support for outdoor activities. It has announced it has re-registered, and CA is already forging ahead with plans for a fundraising dinner in a fortnight, on Friday, 9 November, in Geelong. Olympic trap shooter Russell Mark will be the guest speaker, and the fun, entertaining night will also feature impersonator Chris “Hoax Master” De Havilland and magician and comedian Warren Jackman. Adult tickets are $90, under-18s $70. Call Ben Caruso on 0415 431 488 to book your place.

Abela’s gets the guns

The newly opened Abela’s Gun Shop in Campbelltown, outside Sydney, has now had its firearms dealing licence approved. Stocking is due to begin next week, starting with ammunition and primers, followed later by firearms. The shooting superstore has been long anticipated by Sydney enthusiasts, and this announcement should cement its place as one of the area’s leading gun shops. The shop is at 13 Watsford Rd, Campbelltown. Having started out with the purchase and transformation of Frank O’Reilly’s Gun Shop, David Abela’s next project is a superstore in Brisbane.

Taxidermy workshop

Want to learn how to properly cape a trophy for mounting? How to tan a hide? The basics of taxidermy? The NSW Game Council and Bowman’s Taxidermy are holding another workshop on the subject in Bathurst, NSW on 15 December. The course also covers the cleaning of skulls and caring for trophies. Bookings are essential, and you’d better do it quickly to get a place on this popular course. It’s just $40 for R-licence holders and $115 for others. Register using the form on the Game Council website.

Haters stop hunt

Hate mail from anti-hunting extremists has forced a US gun shop to cancel a proposed coyote hunting competition. The New Mexico store had offered a pair of AR-15 rifles as prizes for the hunters who shot the most coyotes in what was intended to be a culling operation. New Mexico’s coyotes are numerous, their growing population making them pests if they’re not managed.

Robert Brown’s life achievement

Shooters and Fishers Party MLC Robert Brown last weekend became the first person from NSW to be awarded life membership of the Australian Deer Association. Robert joined the ADA 20 years ago and spent many years as the NSW state president, presiding over the rapid expansion of the organisation. The ADA also cited his achievement for hunting and shooting in general: he was behind the establishment of the Game Council and hunting on public land; helped improve various laws for shooters, such as dropping the 28-day waiting period for second and subsequent PTAs, and much more. “Robert has led the way in NSW,” the ADA wrote in his testimonial. “His leadership, enthusiasm and vision have … raised him above any level that he could have achieved within ADA.”

Duck hunting stops Botany sale

Today’s Daily Telegraph is conducting a poll asking whether duck hunting should be legalised in NSW. Last we looked, it was running about 60/40 our way. The accompanying story covered the SFP’s stalling of the sale of Port Botany and a change in electoral boundaries, things that rely on the minor party’s support. But the two SFP members, Robert Brown and Robert Borsak, are refusing to back it while the government fails to deliver on its promise to legalise duck hunting. The SFP blames factional fighting with in the Liberal party and says it will not get involved. You should get involved in the vote, though, becaue the bigger our win, the better it looks.

Can birds see pellets coming?

Here’s an interesting video we came across, which seems to show that, yes, birds are quick enough to see an air rifle pellet coming their way at about 900fps. A bit like a person seeing a small cannon ball heading their way… Slow-motion footage through the scope gives real insight into the subject.




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.