New Zealand's wapiti are a prized trophy.

Hunting show ends on target

The final episode of Beyond the Divide. Australia’s first hunting TV show, has been airing this week and will soon be up on the internet.

Ten episodes have now been shown on free-to-air TV in major capital cities, and the success of the series has paved the way for more to come after stations gave it the thumbs up.

The last chapter of the show’s debut season features an epic hunt for a wapiti bull in New Zealand’s Fiordland, split over two episodes, and the first one is already available to view online.

Wapiti are among the most spectacular trophies of all the deer species, and they’re a hard-won animal in the ruggedly daunting Fiordland landscape.

Rob Fickling and Andrew Koscielecki’s hunt was founded on a stroke of pure luck, when they were drawn from the wapiti ballot to hunt their most prized region, George Sound, and it put in the motion months of preparation and planning that culminated in a 10-day hunt.

“A hundred square kays of frontier wilderness, 10 days, two mates – this is adventure, this is hunting Fiordland,” Rob says.

You’ll learn a lot about this amazing part of NZ, about the history of the country’s wapiti herd and about doing a long remote-area hunt such as this.

This last episode is not the end of Beyond the Divide, with Season 2 well under way and DVDs of the first season due to go on sale next month.

Check out the show’s website for more information.




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.